Be motivated!

“My mentor, Ir Chang Che Son, is a person with rich knowledge in many different areas. Talking with him, I was always very inspired and motivated to keep studying hard and, most importantly, not to give up on anything even when facing obstacles.

The Mentorship Programme is a new experience to me. Ir Chang is really helpful, He provided me valuable experience and insights about his career life and various subjects. Every time we met, I learned so much and was indeed always stimulated to think.

Through my mentor, I had to chance meet one of his previous mentees. We stayed in touch after the meeting and she was also helpful in solving my academic problems I came across. I am very thankful and proud of being Ir Chang’s mentee. Thank you my Mentor and all who made this programme wonderful and fruitful!”

Mentor since 1997: Ir Chang Che Son
Mentee (2016-17): Keira Lin, BSc(QFin) Year 2








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