Directions about future

“Amy is a great role model for everyone: she is a learned person, with an ever-learning spirit. She is very experienced in translation, my field of studies, and in so many other realms of life too. She would gather her mentees and family together for wonderful meals, and inspire us by sharing her ideas about our studies and careers, and opening up our attitudes towards life and learning. I had deeper thoughts and clearer directions regarding my studies and future plans through her sharing of experiences and connecting us with one another.

Amy (2nd left, first photo), her husband (centre) and a past mentee of hers attended a choir concert at St Andrews Church Kowloon in mid-April that I (1st left) was one of the co-hosts of. One winter night last year, Amy hosted a warm dinner gathering at her home for many of her mentees together with her family.”

Mentor: Amy Ho
Mentee (2017-18): Niko Tang, BA Year 2


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