Added colour to exchange life

“My mentor Mrs Terry Mak is very active and is always willing to share her experience and life in New Zealand. She spent a lot of time planning activities and introduced us to a lot of places. She is very nice and thoughtful and always cared about us. I enjoyed every experience with her.

From the outdoor activities and interactions with Terry, I had the opportunity to visit places that cannot be easily reached by public transport. Other than the hikes, I got to know about the background and history of the places as Terry gave us detailed information. The meetings with Terry added colour to my exchange. Other than the activities organised and the delicious meals, she helped me get used to life here in New Zealand.” Mentee Evelyn Lam

Mentor in New Zealand since 2011: Mrs Terry Mak
Outgoing Exchange Mentee (2016-17): Evelyn Lam, BBA(Law)&LLB Year 3





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