Choices in life

“My mentor, Ms Yeda Hong, and I had our first lunch in a Korean restaurant in Vancouver. Although we hadn’t met each other before, we talked throughout the lunch on endless topics. Yeda was so nice and gave me a very warm welcome as a great start of my exchange.

Yeda told me a lot about herself. We shared our own stories of HKU. She told me about her own experience growing up. I learnt a lot from her. For example, she encouraged me to pursue my own interests and treasure my time with friends. This is some of the precious advice she gave me.

She inspired me every time I met her. She was a lawyer previously and is now a full-time housewife and mom, taking care of her two little daughters. Her life story showed me how to make choices in life and treasure my time.” Mentee Nicole, who was on exchange at the Simon Fraser University.

Mentor in British Columbia, Canada since 2016: Ms Yeda Hong
Outgoing Exchange Mentee (2016-17): Nicole Hui, BA Year 3





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