Circle of Excellence Award 2017 (Design Category)

HKU Mentorship 2016-17 poster (Animal Attraction) won the Bronze Award of the Design Category (Subcategory: Poster) of the Circle of Excellence Award 2017 presented by CASE (Council For Advancement and Support of Education). The design of the posters had a simple message that piqued the curiosity of students and sparked their interest in developing their first professional network though the Mentorship Programme.

The words chosen #WisdomPerception #CuriosityExploration #CharmFascination #AgilityAction reflect characteristics relating to the Mentors and Mentees, and phrases relating to the journey of mentorship. The animal images used had a sense of fun and also became metaphors that represented students’ uniqueness, their diverse talents and the possibilities for new learning, inspirations and challenges offered by Mentors and the HKU Mentorship Programme.

The same set of themes, colours and images were deployed at the Inauguration Ceremony on November 1, 2016, with most mentors and mentees in attendance.




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