Learning whilst having fun

“My mentor, Lily Ho, is very friendly and willing to share. Knowing my sister is studying law as well, she invited me and my sister to visit her workplace, the Department of Justice, and shared her working experience with us. She also invited us to a court visit where she was the prosecutor in a case. I learnt from her and other barristers’ performance on the court.

She introduced to me her previous mentees, Jessica Wong (BDS Year 5) and Irene Chan (BBA[Law]&LLB Year 4). Irene is studying law as well. Surprisingly, she went to Canada on exchange and I will go there next year. She gave me tips and shared her exchange experience, which was really useful. I am so thankful that Lily is willing to introduce her mentees to me and I really enjoy this kind of bond.

This is not just about studies or career advice; Lily also invited us to sing karaoke together to celebrate the Lunar New Year. We have a great time together and I am glad we can share our hobby and have cultural activities outside the scope of my studies.”

Mentor: Ms Lily Ho
Mentee (2017-18): Maggie Lam (LLB Year 2)











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