Unexpected career change

When a dentistry student was mentored by a leading animal welfare campaigner, it led to a lifetime of friendship and an unexpected career change.

Shirley Kot first met her mentor Dr Jill Robinson, Founder and CEO of Animals Asia, in 2008 when she was studying dentistry at HKU. “I guess it was because I specified in the mentorship application that I would like my mentor to be someone who is passionate about animals and their welfare. Jill undoubtedly fulfils my little wish. She is the best mentor I could ever have hoped for,”

“I grew up with dogs and I wanted to be a veterinarian. However, there was no veterinary school in Hong Kong back in 2007. I hence enrolled into the HKU dentistry programme instead as I was also fond of the art and science of dentistry. Frankly, I enjoy dentistry but I never forgot my innermost passion. Jill offered me invaluable advice during the Mentorship period and always encouraged me to pursue my dream. She also opened the door to various opportunities via her connections. I volunteered at a wildlife sanctuary in Singapore and at the bear rescue centre in Chengdu, and all these experiences equipped me well for veterinary studies.”

After graduating from HKU in 2012, and with the support of her family and Dr Robinson, Shirley went on to study veterinary medicine in Melbourne and is now working as a full-time veterinarian and a part-time dentist in Tasmania, Australia. Last year, Shirley and her mentor reunited, and went to Vietnam to help out with dental treatments at the bear sanctuary. This journey also marked the 10- year friendship of Shirley and Dr Jill Robinson.


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