January 17, 2015
[gm album=20] On January 17, 2015, HKU mentors and mentees visited the “Dunhunag – Untold Tales, Untold Riches (敦煌 ― 說不完的故事)” exhibition at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum. All participants were impressed by the uniqueness and diverse cultures of the Dunhuang caves.
April 4, 2014
[gm album=19] On April 4, 2014, HKU mentors and mentees visited an outstanding local incubator for social enterprises and talents – The Good Lab (好單位) . Ms Ada Wong, Convenor of The Good Lab, HKU alumna, and Mentor since 1998, shared her insights on social innovation and give a guided […]
February 20, 2014
[gm album=17] On February 20, 2014, HKU mentors and mentees visited CoCoon (浩觀), the innovative hub that incubates entrepreneurship talents and ideas in Hong Kong. The tour was guided by Mr Theodore Ma, an HKU alumnus and Co-Founder of CoCoon. Mentors and mentees also joined the CoCoon Pitch Night to […]
May 4, 2013
[gm album=16] Around 40 mentor and mentees visited the Dialogue in the Dark Experiential Exhibition (DiD) 黑暗中對話 on May 4, 2013. HKU mentor and founder of the Dialogue in the Dark Hong Kong, Mr Patrick Cheung (BSc[Eng] 1979, MIPA 2009), shared his experience of forming DiD and promoting social entrepreneurship to […]
May 26, 2012
[gm album=15] On May 26, 2012, Professor Chan Lung Sang led a group of HKU Mentors and Mentees on an exclusive Geological Tour of Tung Ping Chau, which has been part of the Hong Kong Geopark since 2009.