August 5, 2020

Be confident

“Danny is very generous, encouraging and helpful. He encouraged me to learn how to socialise with others. Even though I was lacking self-confidence, I felt very comfortable when my mentor introduced his friends to me at social gatherings. I was invited to events hosted by Danny where I met many […]
July 30, 2020

Remembering where you started

“Ms Wu is a very friendly and amiable person. Despite being in top positions, she is willing to learn more about me and chat with me about topics we are both interested in. Ms Wu has inspired me by her rich life and career experience. Law students may limit their […]
July 23, 2020

Unforgettable Journey

“I was lucky to have been paired up with such a great mentor. K O is very humble and extremely knowledgeable. He was always generous and caring. This humility and generosity of his character taught me to always be kind and generous towards others. He always give me valuable advice […]
July 7, 2020

[Seoul] Guiding me through

“My mentor Kayla gave me recommendations on preparing for my exchange and introduced me to some useful mobile apps before I went to Seoul, which helped me adapt to the local living environment more easily. She also taught me about the local social culture and basic etiquette. During the COVID-19 […]
June 23, 2020

Insiders Tips

  “I am so grateful that this mentorship relationship allowed me learned a lot of new things. Whenever I met up with Felix, we always have interesting discussions and I always learn a lot from his personal experiences like how he chased his dream during his university years. His experiences […]