September 18, 2019

Unexpected career change

When a dentistry student was mentored by a leading animal welfare campaigner, it led to a lifetime of friendship and an unexpected career change. Shirley Kot first met her mentor Dr Jill Robinson, Founder and CEO of Animals Asia, in 2008 when she was studying dentistry at HKU. “I guess […]
September 16, 2019

Exciting experieces

  “I have learnt a lot from Uncle Nic,my Mentor. He has been extremely supportive and teaches me about various things, for instance, Project Mingde. We also went to church together. There was one very exciting occasion when Uncle Nic invited me to join a dinner with Sir David Akers-Jones […]
September 11, 2019

Be inspired by the experienced

“What can a medical student learn from a judge who is from another profession? You may ask. In terms of Medicine, not much. In terms of life, unlimited. My Mentor, Mr Isaac Tam, is currently a Deputy Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court and I […]
August 30, 2019

Insights on the world

“It is very interesting to gain insights of working people in Hong Kong, and for me it is all the more valuable since Chris is European like me, and his experience would be different from that of a local I imagine. We always have interesting conversations with him and my […]
August 26, 2019

Professionally connected

“My mentor Sherman (first right) is willing to share his personal experiences with us, like his work, his studies back in university and his exchange experiences. I have gained many insights from him. He has given me a lot of useful advice about whether to pursue postgraduate education, where to […]