May 22, 2019

Supporting my journey in education

“Through my mentor, Professor Evelyn Man, who is a professor of Education, I am getting to know more about the drawbacks of being a secondary school economics teacher and what it is to be proud of being an HKU graduate. We also talked and joked about all the old-school English […]
May 21, 2019

[Berkeley] A friend around

“Larry, Dr Lawrence Ng, is kind and knowledgeable. He helped me a lot in adapting to the new environment. He told me about the history of Berkeley and tips on living there, and took me out for trips and meals. It is so nice to have a friend around when […]
May 15, 2019

[Toronto] Enjoyed my exchange life

“Sally is definitely a great mentor and friend to me. She helped me with my exchange studies and my career planning. Sally was so keen to share with me her experience of developing a successful career in auditing in Canada, which I really gained insights into as to how I […]
May 15, 2019

[Vancouver] Insight into my studies

“Koon Ming is a very kind, nice and knowledgeable mentor. He shared a lot about his work as a counselor in Vancouver with me; his experience helped me understand more about my studies in Psychology and gave me insights to plan my future career. Koon Ming invited me and other […]
May 15, 2019

[Sweden] Getting out of the box

“Kenneth is a good, open-hearted listener and, as a life tutor, he provided constructive feedback. I have developed more out-of-the-box thinking and become more aware of opportunities in places other than Hong Kong and outside the scope of my profession-to-be. I went to a “Viking Race” with Kenneth, which was […]