August 31, 2018
“Mr K O Chia and his wife, Anita, both mentor students, therefore I made two new friends from Pakistan, Ahmed, another mentee of K O and Aleena, who is Anita’s mentee. We initiated a potluck gathering at our mentors’ home on a weekend. I made a slightly modified version of […]
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August 30, 2018
“Jill provides me with insights into areas that I am not that familiar with, such as animal welfare, which I have found it very eye-opening and impactful. She introduced me to the Animals Asia, which she founded, and showed me its operation to help save moon bears and dogs from […]
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August 29, 2018
“Amy is a great role model for everyone: she is a learned person, with an ever-learning spirit. She is very experienced in translation, my field of studies, and in so many other realms of life too. She would gather her mentees and family together for wonderful meals, and inspire us […]
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August 28, 2018
“Through this mentoring relationship, I have learn a lot from my mentor Dr Frank Yu. He is an expert in prostate cancer treatment and he has done a great job in his work. Despite being over 80 years old now, he still works hard and sometimes performs surgeries himself. I […]
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August 28, 2018
“My mentor Professor Evelyn Man is easy to engage with, open-minded, and friendly. She was willing to give her heartfelt advice whenever I needed. I felt comfortable seeking her advice and could actively engage with her, while receiving useful advice. This was fortunate that our educational backgrounds are quite similar. […]
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